Indiana Meat Packers & Processors Association
The Indiana Association of Meat Packers and Processors champions the interests of our industry by advocating for members with regulatory authorities, facilitating networking and educational growth, and providing vital updates on funding and industry developments. We strive to enhance productivity and technological advancements to secure the industry’s future success.
Indiana Meat Packers & Processors Association is an organization for meat packers in Indiana and Kentucky, our suppliers & friends of the association. We hope to gain knowledge and friendship from each other.
IMPPA is an active association that hosts educational sessions, trainings, meat plant and supplier tours, demonstrations, webinars, quarterly newsletters, and active social media accounts.
Are you a meat packer or in a related industry and interested in joining? Visit the page that fits your linked below.
Supplier Membership Application
Associate Membership Application
Get Social With IMPPA
Supplier registrations are still rolling in for the 2025 Convention so this list will most certainly grow but let’s give a shout out to our sponsors so far!
The excitement is really building for convention!
We had a wonderful time at our Family Fall Gathering over the weekend! Thank you to everyone who came out for a great day!
A special thank you to knobstone.flowerfarm for hosting at such a beautiful location!
And thank you to our sponsors for supporting IMPPA and our event
Kerres USA
Globe Casing Company
VC999 Packaging Systems
Now let’s start thinking about Convention! Make your plans now for March 20-22, 2025 in Evansville, IN. We’ll be teaming up with Kentucky Association of Meat Processors for a don’t miss event!
It’s a beautiful day for the IMPPA Fall Event!
Thank you to knobstone.flowerfarm for hosting at a wonderful location.
Thank you to our wonderful event sponsors!
Kerres USA
VC999 Packaging Systems
Robert Reiser Inc.
Our Fall 2024 event is right around the corner!
Let’s take a look at the great time had last year!
These fall events are great for meeting people and networking with members and suppliers! They are more laid back than conventions but offer a lot of fun and opportunities!
We hope to see you Sept 7, 2024!
Kentucky Association of Meat Processors
📢 Attention Packers! 📢
Registration to the 2024 IMPPA & IAMP Joint Convention is due 2/1/24. Visit the IMPPA website at https://imppa.org/2024-imppa-iamp-joint-convention/ for hotel information, convention agendas, trade show, cured meat show and more!
🌭 Back by popular demand... the Pub & Grub Crawl! 🍻
The Indiana Meat Packers had such a great time at the Pub & Grub Crawl during the 2023 IMPPA & IAMP joint convention in Illinois.... that they decided to have "ROUND 2" in Indiana!
We will spend Thursday evening of the convention traveling to three breweries/pubs where dinner and drinks will be at the packers & suppliers` discretion. A chartered bus will continuously travel to all locations (The Coachman, Nigh Brewing, Brew Link Brewing), all just minutes from the hotel.
Come join the fun!
For more convention information, visit the IMPPA website.
Make sure you have your hotel rooms reserved by 1/21/24 to enjoy the discounted rates!
Visit the IMPPA website for hotel information, convention agendas, trade show, cured meat show and more!
Bring your cured products and see how they shape up compared to other packer products from Indiana and Illinois!
Let our experienced judges give you suggestions and tips on ways to make your products stand out in the crowd. Visit the IMPPA website for trade show, cured meat show, registration paperwork and more!
⚡ Supplier Electrical Reservations Due 1/29/24! 🔌
Contact Make at Markey’s to reserve your electrical needs for the trade show.
mschneider@markeys.com or 317-500-6132
The IMPPA & IAMP Joint Convention will host a fantastic Thursday, Pre-Convention Workshop!
Some items on the agenda to discuss and demo are:
🐷 Jeros Dishwasher – McCarthy Equipment
🐮 Whizard Knives – Bettcher
🐷 Stuffer & Linker – Handtmann
🐮 Natural Casings – Quality Casings
🐷 REX Portion Cutter – High Plains Frontier Supply
🐮 Stunner & Scalder – UltraSource
🐷 Smokehouse – Scott Pec
🐮 Patty Machine – Biro Manufacturing Company
🐷 Smashburger Patty Machine – Handtmann
🐮 Double Clipper – Poly-Clip
Come enjoy the education and fun! Visit the IMPPA website for hotel information, convention agendas, trade show & cured meat show information and more!
The 2024 IMPPA & IAMP Joint Convention will host multiple educational sessions based on maximizing machinery and efficiencies.
Check out our sessions and presenters!
🔵 Dr. Ryan Cox, University of Minnesota
🔵 David Zarling, Niche Meat Processors Assistance Network
🔵 Mike Lorentz, Lorentz Meats
🔵 Chris Young, American Association of Meat Processors
🔵 Bob Culler, Culler Consulting
🔵 Tom Katen, Retired, Cargill
🔵 Christi Southerland, Prosperity Ag
🔵 Greg Gunthrop, Gunthrop Farms
🔵 Chris Roper, Flower Hill
Visit the IMPPA website for more convention information!
The IMPPA & IAMP Joint Convention has TONS of advertising opportunities! Get YOUR NAME in front of a multitude of processors!
Platinum Sponsorship even includes preferential booth placement in the trade show!
🐷 Platinum Sponsorship- $2,000.00
Preferential booth assignments.
Company logo on custom-made lanyards.
Company logo on the back of the nametags.
Company name listed on the convention pamphlet.
Additional signage stating sponsorship level at the trade show.
Multiple announcements made throughout the convention, thanking all of our sponsors.
🐮 Gold Sponsorship- $1,000.00
Company logo on the back of the nametags.
Company name listed on the convention pamphlet.
Additional signage stating sponsorship level at the trade show.
Multiple announcements made throughout the convention, thanking all of our sponsors.
🐑 Silver Sponsorship- $800.00
Company name listed on the convention pamphlet.
Additional signage stating sponsorship level at the trade show.
Multiple announcements made throughout the convention, thanking all of our sponsors.
🦌 Bronze Sponsorship- $500.00
Company name listed on the convention pamphlet.
Additional signage stating sponsorship level at the trade show.
Multiple announcements made throughout the convention, thanking all of our sponsors.
Convention Registrations, including Sponsorship Opportunities, due to the IMPPA office by 1/8/24.
Check out this great webinar opportunity!AAMP is partnering with USDA’s FSIS’ Dr. Meryl Silverman and Andrew Lorenz, CEO of We R Food Safety, to discuss cooking and cooling deviations in meat and poultry processing. AAMP Outreach has identified the need for education in the industry covering deviations and identifying when processing procedures do not go according to plan. Dr. Meryl Silverman will discuss what heating, cooking, and cooling deviations are, as well as different options to demonstrate food safety and when to choose these options. Drew Lorenz will walk through a cooling deviation, and how to properly complete a pathogen modeling program for the deviation presented. Join us February 4th, 2025, at 1 p.m. EST for this discussion.
All meat industry professionals are invited to attend this webinar; NOT have to be AAMP members to attend. If you register and are unable to attend, you will be sent a link to the recording. The registration link is: bit.ly/3DnZPes.
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David Hull, Ph. D., Technical Sales Director for Dickson Industries Inc., spoke at this past summer's pre-Convention trip to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln about Ten-DEER-Loin processing, and how you can get the most from your deer processing. He also wrote an article in the AAMPlifier earlier this year. Below is an updated version of that article, available at The Meat Locker. Click the link below to read it.
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Wishing you and your loved ones a very Happy Thnksgiving! ... See MoreSee Less

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Photos from Bartling Real Estate's post ... See MoreSee Less

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Supplier registrations are still rolling in for the 2025 Convention so this list will most certainly grow but let’s give a shout out to our sponsors so far!
The excitement is really building for convention!
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Our condolences go out to IMPPA supplier member Mar/co Sales. We are truly sorry for your loss and you will be in our thoughts during this time! ... See MoreSee Less

Obituary information for Doug Downs
View Doug Downs's obituary, contribute to their memorial, see their funeral service details, and more.0 CommentsComment on Facebook